Teaching Material Overview
FIU Marine Biology Home
FIU course OCB 3043Lecture Notes
Introduction to the Oceans Zones of the Oceans, Basic Terms Get names for all the oceans Diversity Index History of Oceanography - milestones History of Oceanography - a more complete list with the old guys Physical and chemical properties of seawater Salinity Biological and ecological effects of salinity Temperature Light in the Ocean The Oceanic Heat Budget Waves Tides The Coriolis Effect Wind-driven Currents Geostrophic Currents Ocean Currents and Gulf Stream Coastal Upwelling and Langmuir circulation Deep water circulation El Nino Water Density The taxonomic groups of phytoplankton Photosynthesis and Light Primary Production The taxonomic groups of zooplankton Ecology of zooplankton Food chains and food webs Secondary production Marine mammals [Heithaus lecture] Biogeochemical mineral cycles Growth rates and nutrient uptake of unicellular organisms Plate tectonics Marine sediments Zonation of the Benthal The Phytobenthos The Zoobenthos Sampling of Benthos Benthic Communities Estuarine Communities Coral Reefs Types and Development of Reefs Deep-Sea Ecology Feeding and Adaptations in the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents and Cold Seeps Human Impact on the Oceans Alien species